- Provisional details for 3 days (3x7h), that to say 21h of training -


October 29th *: 10 am - 1 pm / 2.30 pm - 6.30 pm
October 30th : 9 am - 12.30 pm / 2 pm - 5.30 pm
October 31th : 9 am - 12.30 pm / 2 pm - 5.30 pm

*To ensure the MASTERCLASS goes as smoothly as possible:
- please be sure to arrive on location at 9 am on the first day of the event
- 30 min before the beginning of the conference on the two remaining days


Day 1 :
Introduction to mythic structure approach to storytelling.

What is a Story? Brainstorm on nature, purpose and meaning of Story.
My philosophy of Storytelling: Raise the consciousness of the audience to increase effectiveness in life.
How to connect with the emotions of the audience through: Identification, Conflict, Obstacles and Suspense.

Basic Story Structure.
Need for Unity and a Spine. Theme and Premise Need for Polarity, the engine of conflict. Greek concept of Agon - the god of Conflict.

Hollywood Three Act Structure as defined by Syd Field.
Concepts of Set-up, Complication or Confrontation and Resolution; Plot Points or Turning Points, Inciting Incident or Hook, Midpoint, Climax, Denouement.

Advanced Story Structure Part One. The Hero's Journey Concept. Introduction to Joseph Campbell's work on structure of myths and fairy tales. The Four Movements of the Hero's Journey - Separation, Descent, Ordeal and Initiation, and the Return.

The beginning of the Twelve Stages of the Hero's Journey - 1. Ordinary World, 2. Call to Adventure, 3. Refusal of the Call, 4. Meeting with the Mentor, 5. Crossing the Threshold, and 6. Tests, Allies, Enemies.


Day 2 :
Advanced Story Structure Part Two.

7. The Approach, 8. the Ordeal, 9. the Reward, 10. the Road Back, 11. Resurrection, and 12. Return with the Elixir.

Concepts of the Chase, Kidnapping, Imprisonment and Enchantment, the Escape or Rescue, the Climax (including the Showdown, the False Claimant, the Impossible Tasks, Redemption, Atonement, Purification, Recognition, Sacrifice, Judgment, Final Exam of Death and Rebirth) and final Denouement, Resolution. Moral Message and Radiating Impact.
Alternative Structures: Vladimir Propp's analysis of Russian fairy tales. Lord Raglan's analysis of hero stories.


Day 3 :
Introduction to Character

Concept of the Archetypes. Archetypes contrasted with Stereotypes. Concept of Character Change and Transformation.

Meet the Archetypes of Hero, Mentor, Threshold Guardian, Shapeshifter, Shadow, Trickster, Herald, and Ally. Essential psychology for movie makers.Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Wants vs. Needs. Wishing vs. Willing.

Practical guidelines for creating believable characters. Motivation, Backstory, Shadows and Wounds, Character Flaws and Virtues. Character Arc and Character Change, Want vs. Need, Creating 3-dimensional Characters.

Character and Comedy. Early work on character by Theophrastus, a follower of Aristotle. Influence on modern comedy.

Scene writing. What is a scene? Techniques for creating a sense of place, a mood, a tempo. Use of specific detail to create realism. Use of all five senses.

The Wisdom of the Body. How to touch the emotions of the audience. Feelings are sensations felt in the organs of the body. The Contract with the Audience. Where the centers are located in the body, compared with chakra system.

Professional orientation. Developing a systematic plan for success. Necessary skills for success: Hustle, Talent, Confidence, Patience, Persistence, Professionalism, Showmanship, Integrity. Marketing and Self-Branding. Product Differentiation. Brand Essence. Develop a marketing plan for yourself as a unique brand identity. Create your own legend.

Conclusion: Trust the Path

* © Christopher Vogler

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